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應 Meta 邀請擔任 AI 駭客松的評審,有很多需要英文溝通的事情需要透過即時訊息溝通。這是過程中我使用到的 ChatGPT 指令👇


(下面的文字是我另外生成的,不是原始的對話內容。所以細節都是生成的,不包含機敏資訊。記得不要把機敏資訊上傳到 ChatGPT)。



Rewrite: [你想要說的話]

✍️ = 範例 ChatGPT 輸入

🤖 = 範例 ChatGPT 輸出

✍️ Rewrite: Thomas can you remind me When do we meet for dinner, I can’t find it in the email
🤖 Thomas, could you remind me when we're meeting for dinner? I can't seem to find it in the email.

📌 秘訣:

  • 輸入有錯字、文法錯誤也沒有關係,會自動被修正。
  • 假如有希望特別使用的英文單字,可以在輸入時使用。

⚠️ 注意:

  • 假如你英文有 90 分,這樣的修改會把英文變成 80 分,會把你好的東西改掉。
  • 需要檢查, ChatGPT 會把不常見的專有名詞改成常見的,但常見不一定正確。



Rewrite more [你希望的口氣] :

✍️ Rewrite more chill warm polite:
<<<Thomas can you remind me When do we meet for dinner, I can’t find it in the email>>>
🤖 Hi Thomas, could you remind me when we're meeting for dinner? I can't seem to find it in my emails. Thanks so much!

📌 秘訣:

  • 訊息比較多的時候,我會使用 <<< >>> 把資料跟指令分開,這樣比較容易理解
  • 可以多按重新產生幾次,看哪一個你比較喜歡

📌 口氣:

  • 這邊我列出了我常常使用的形容詞,修飾 ChatGPT 的口氣:
我自己工作上常用的有: 形容詞 中文翻譯 原句:when we’re meeting for dinner? casual 隨意 When are we grabbing dinner? chill 放鬆 When are we getting together for dinner? warm 溫暖 When shall we enjoy dinner together? polite 禮貌 Could you please inform me when we are meeting for dinner? friendly 友善 When are



✍️ Rewrite: Thomas can you remind me When do we meet for dinner, I can’t find it in the email
🤖 Thomas, could you remind me when our dinner is scheduled? I can’t seem to find it in the email.
✍️ Chill
🤖 Hey Thomas, could you remind me when we’re meeting for dinner? I can’t find it in the email.
✍️ More Chill
🤖 Hey Thomas, when’s dinner again? Can’t find it in the email.


📌 語氣:

  • 控制比想像中的難,只有人類才可以對訊息的口氣做把關

📌 語氣調控,全部一次講完:快速、難控制

👇 到底是 warm 還是 polite?

✍️ rewrite warm and polite


📌 語氣調控,分多次說:比較慢、比較好控制

👇 兩輪對話比較麻煩、比較好控制,中間假如生成不好還可以重新生成:

✍️ rewrite warm
🤖 (第一版回覆)
✍️ polite
🤖 (第二版回覆)




- [背景資訊 1]
- [背景資訊 2]
please rewrite the following:

- Thomas is my boss
- This is a sms message

please rewrite the following:
<<<Thomas can you remind me When do we meet for dinner, I can’t find it in the email>>>
🤖 Hi Thomas, could you remind me when our dinner meeting is scheduled? I couldn’t find the details in the email.


📌 背景資訊:

  • 之前發生了麼事情
  • 你們的關係
  • 你們的溝通媒介
  • 你的動機是(例:道歉)



為了研究怎麼樣維持輕鬆的語氣,回應對方的關係,我跟 ChatGPT 來回了幾趟:

Thank you, I have moved my flight to leave tonight
Thank you 🙏, I’ve rescheduled my flight to depart tonight.
Thank you, I’ve rescheduled my flight to depart tonight 🤞.